#154, HSR Layout, Bangalore, Karnataka.
Work Hour: 8:00am-6:00pm

+91- 080 69409781

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Office Address

#154, HSR Layout, Bangalore.

OEM Partner

Welcome to Ikonnect

Let's Collaborate for Success

Whether you're a school, coaching institute, ERP provider, or hardware manufacturer, we invite you to collaborate with us and unlock the full potential of technology in education. Together, we can empower educators, inspire learners, and transform the future of education. Contact us today to explore partnership opportunities and take your education initiatives to new heights.

Ikonnect Interactive Panels and Interactive Whiteboard manufacturers, are you looking to offer customized solutions tailored specifically for educational institutions? Partner with us through an OEM agreement, and together, we will create comprehensive and innovative solutions that meet the unique needs of schools, colleges, and universities.


Benefits of Our OEM Agreement

Tailored Solutions: Our partnership allows us to create customized solutions that seamlessly integrate with Ikonnect Interactive Panels and Whiteboards, providing a cohesive and user-friendly experience for educators and students.
Enhanced Functionality: We enhance the functionality of Ikonnect devices by incorporating advanced features such as interactive learning tools, content management systems, teacher resources, and administrative capabilities.
Optimized Performance: Our team ensures that the solution is optimized for Ikonnect devices, delivering high performance, reliability, and compatibility.
White-Label Branding: The customized solution will be white-labeled under your brand, reinforcing brand loyalty and recognition among educational institutions.

Key Features of Customized Solutions

Interactive Learning Tools: Engage students with interactive tools such as digital whiteboards, annotation features, multimedia content, and collaborative learning environments.
Content Management: Manage and deliver educational content efficiently, including lessons, assessments, videos, and interactive activities.
Teacher Tools: Provide teachers with tools for lesson planning, real-time assessment, student progress tracking, and communication with students and parents.
Administrative Capabilities: Enable administrators to manage user accounts, access control, analytics, and reporting for data-driven decision-making.

Why Partner with Us

Expertise :With our expertise in EdTech solutions and software development, we bring a deep understanding of the education sector and technology integration, ensuring a high-quality and innovative solution.
Collaborative Approach: We work closely with OEM partners like Ikonnect to understand their technology, market objectives, and customer needs, delivering customized solutions that exceed expectations.
Support and Maintenance: Our partnership extends beyond product development, encompassing ongoing support, updates, and maintenance to ensure optimal performance and customer satisfaction.

Let's Empower Education Together

Partner with us to unlock the full potential of Ikonnect Interactive Panels and Whiteboards in education. Our OEM agreement enables you to offer tailored solutions that enhance teaching and learning experiences, improve efficiency, and drive innovation in smart classrooms. Contact us today to discuss partnership opportunities and embark on a journey of transformation in education technology.